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Changes to the reputation system


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It may be useful to view this from the lens of asking ourselves why the system is being used or was set up "incorrectly". Consider the fact that we are using a one-dimensional system to capture a range of human emotions and responses.


If we're attempting to define what merits reputation, it might be prudent to include a statement in simple terms [in addition to any abstract details] so that it's better understood and provides more coverage. That way, we may be mitigating risk of edge cases.


It also begs the question what's really gained from policing all this and at what expense. Not sure how much bedlam is caused over all this.

Edited by zw
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What I really should do is that, in the profile state, the Like button is disabled, so I would avoid so much drama!


And leave the button activated in the four cases that you have mentioned :


1) suggestions;

2) graphic designs or other creative works;

3) Discussion on how to improve xat, wiki, tickets, forum, HTML5 or any other facet of xat;

4) Informative updates about xat.


And another thing, Mr. Angelo, I don't think it's normal for you to take away my reputation since I don't ask anyone to like me!


Have a great morning, LORD. :p




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4 hours ago, Angelo said:

Hemos decidido rehacer la forma en que funciona la reputación aquí en el foro.


Es posible que hayas notado el ícono único de "trofeo" que existe ahora cuando reaccionas a una publicación. Este trofeo es ahora la forma en que le darás a la publicación de alguien un punto de reputación. 


Todas las otras reacciones, que van desde los emoticones xat hasta el corazón rosado, ya no dan reputación al foro. 


Esto se hizo para ayudar a combatir el abuso de reputación aquí en el foro, así como para tratar de enfocar qué publicaciones realmente merecen reputación. La reacción del trofeo se debe usar para publicaciones que realmente merecen un punto de reputación, que incluyen pero no se limitan a: 


1) sugerencias;

2) diseños gráficos u otras obras creativas;

3) Discusión sobre cómo mejorar xat, la wiki, los tickets, el foro, HTML5 o cualquier otra faceta de xat;

4) Actualizaciones informativas sobre xat que consideres útiles o un cambio bienvenido.


La reacción del trofeo NO debe usarse para:


1) Regalos para xats, días o poderes gratis;

2) Bromas que tus amigos hacen sobre estados o publicaciones;

3) Actualizaciones de estado con respecto a la información que no pertenece a xat;

4) citas inspiradoras o estados de feliz cumpleaños;

5) Nuevos hilos de poder.


El objetivo es dar un punto de reputación a las publicaciones que realmente lo merecen. No les dé a sus amigos o compañeros de chat un trofeo solo porque les guste o simplemente porque son amigos. En cambio, dele un "me gusta" u otra reacción.


Cualquier caso en el que se encuentre a un usuario dando una reacción de trofeo (punto de reputación) a sus amigos simplemente para aumentar su reputación será reprendido como si estuviera cometiendo abuso de reputación. 


Preguntas? Comentarios? Sugerencias? Déjelos a continuación para que podamos analizar este nuevo cambio. Esta característica aún es relativamente nueva y será monitoreada durante las próximas semanas para ver si necesita ser ajustada o no.


Every day the xat is running out of users and the forum follows the same path, on the other hand, it is supposed to be a forum where there are rules, you can not limit the likes or emoticons to users. This type of rule seems created by the simple fact that other users do not have a reputation or that the known ones do not appear and those that are not known win them.

First time I see this rule in a forum where there are supposedly people with knowledge to improve and end up getting more users away.

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5 hours ago, Angelo said:

We have decided to redo the way reputation works here on the forum.


You may have noticed the unique “trophy” icon that exists now when you go to react to a post. This trophy is now the way that you will give someone’s post a reputation point. 


All other reactions, ranging from the xat smilies to the pink heart, now no longer give forum reputation. 


This was done to help combat reputation abuse here on the forum, as well as try to focus which posts truly deserve reputation. The trophy reaction should be used for posts that really deserve a reputation point, including but not limited to: 


1) Suggestions;

2) Graphical designs or other creative works;

3) Discussion regarding how to better xat, the wiki, tickets, the forum, HTML5, or any other facet of xat;

4) Informational updates on xat that you find to be useful or to be a welcomed change.


The trophy reaction should NOT be used for:


1) Giveaways for free xats, days, or powers;

2) Jokes your friends make on statuses or posts;

3) Status updates regarding information not pertaining to xat;

4) Inspirational quotes or happy birthday statuses;

5) New power threads.


The goal is to give a reputation point to posts that truly deserve it. Do not give your friends or chatmates a trophy just because you like them or simply because you’re friends. Instead, give them a “like” or other reaction.


Any cases where a user is found giving a trophy react (reputation point) to their friends simply to boost their reputation will be reprimanded as if you were engaging in reputation abuse. 


Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Please drop them below so we may discuss this new change. This feature is still relatively new and will be monitored for the weeks to come to see if it needs to be tweaked or not.


The trophy reaction should NOT be used for:




1) Giveaways for free xats, days, or powers;

2) Jokes your friends make on statuses or posts;

3) Status updates regarding information not pertaining to xat;

4) Inspirational quotes or happy birthday statuses;

5) New power threads.


Do things well LORD, check profile by profile and in the same way you removed my reputation because it is ABUSE, look at others, Mr. @Angelo:p

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These "rules" will not be enforced in most cases, but if we notice a user gaining an abnormal amount of reputation within a short amount of time and the users providing that reputation seem to have a very limited purpose of existing on this forum, then there may be a reason to take action.

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6 hours ago, Angelo said:

The trophy reaction should NOT be used for:


1) Giveaways for free xats, days, or powers;

2) Jokes your friends make on statuses or posts;

3) Status updates regarding information not pertaining to xat;

4) Inspirational quotes or happy birthday statuses;

5) New power threads.


I think, it makes more sense to disable it in the subforums and statuses in question, so it's not going to be "abused" in the places where it should not be used. (unless if it's already disabled!)


This is just my thought about.

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Overall I think the change is positive towards how reputation works simply because you can react to posts freely but you can also give reputation if you consider that the post itself is worth of reputation, and not because of the person who is posting it.


Even though it is a good change, are you sure people will understand that this trophy should be used for posts that are really worth of reputation? What makes you think that they won't use it just like "The like button" 2.0?  It might be easier for everyone if you keep the trophy, disable it in the discussions where reputation shouldn't be given (giveaways, statuses, etc.) as Sloom said, and see how it works from there.




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11 hours ago, zw said:

If we're attempting to define what merits reputation, it might be prudent to include a statement in simple terms [in addition to any abstract details] so that it's better understood and provides more coverage. That way, we may be mitigating risk of edge cases.


To simplify things, the trophy should be used to award quality content - the way reputation was always intended.


11 hours ago, zw said:

It may be useful to view this from the lens of asking ourselves why the system is being used or was set up "incorrectly".


That's exactly what we've done!


Under the previous system, Likes were frequently being used because it's the obvious reaction for showing affection and enjoyment, and there was no useful alternative. Besides the heart, your only choices were 'Cool', 'Haha' or 'Thanks', which aren't the same.


The problem was that our 'Like' reaction intrinsically awarded reputation, and there was no choice in the matter. In summary, if you wanted to express affection or enjoyment for something (eg "I love you" messages), you were forced to award reputation too.


We identified this flaw in the system, and we provided a solution. You can now show affection and enjoyment for things without being forced to award reputation. There's now a separate reaction for rewarding quality content.


11 hours ago, zw said:

It also begs the question what's really earned from policing all this and at what expense. Not sure how much bedlam is caused over all this.


To be clear, we haven't introduced any new restrictions. The guidance about when to award reputation is unrelated to this change. But since we're making an announcement about reputation, it was a useful place to post it.


The end result of this change is that users now have more freedom  to express themselves. That is, users can now use the 'Like' reaction without being forced to give reputation. We're opening doors, not closing them.


Hopefully, we may see more reactions and interactions across the forum in general now, because users won't be afraid of awarding likes (in fear of abusing reputation) anymore.


10 hours ago, Jintan said:

Every day the xat is running out of users and the forum follows the same path, on the other hand, it is supposed to be a forum where there are rules, you can not limit the likes or emoticons to users. This type of rule seems created by the simple fact that other users do not have a reputation or that the known ones do not appear and those that are not known win them.

First time I see this rule in a forum where there are supposedly people with knowledge to improve and end up getting more users away.


We haven't introduced any new rules.


If anything, we're providing more freedom to users, because they can now 'like' something without being forced to award reputation. 


8 hours ago, SLOom said:

I think, it makes more sense to disable it in the subforums and statuses in question, so it's not going to be "abused" in the places where it should not be used. (unless if it's already disabled!)


This is just my thought about.


This was considered but decided not to sacrifice likes in these places.


8 hours ago, Sergio said:

Overall I think the change is positive towards how reputation works simply because you can react to posts freely but you can also give reputation if you consider that the post itself is worth of reputation, and not because of the person who is posting it.




8 hours ago, Sergio said:

What makes you think that they won't use it just like "The like button" 2.0? 


The heart icon represents affection, in popular culture, whereas the trophy has a different meaning altogether. Hopefully, the two aren't confused.

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The reason I posted the way I did was to offer more views on the subject, not really for my own edification (at risk of sounding smug).



To be clear, we haven't introduced any new restrictions. The guidance about when to award reputation is unrelated to this change. But since we're making an announcement about reputation, it was a useful place to post it.

I would argue that it wasn't difficult to conflate the two the way it was originally worded, but understand your point. I see now that it has been adjusted.

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18 minutes ago, siglo said:

I just want my advance member to put my mouthpiece juniors .. but well I think that there are several changes to this forum I see things that in other forums do not allow and here a nonsense warn you


This change is not restricting you. It's allowing you to use the 'like' reaction more freely than before. Your concern about Advanced Member (i.e. making it more accessible) is not related to this change. You can still receive reputation for quality posts, exactly as before. It's just a different icon now (i.e. a trophy).


Also, the only users that should receive warnings are those that don't follow the guidelines. If you believe any guidelines should be changed, you may open a new topic with your proposal and it can be discussed (we're always listening!) Equally, if you believe someone has been warned unfairly, this can be reported to forum staff.


Thank you for the comments so far!

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i saw that trophy today, it's a good idea to add it its name is " award " i think it should be given to the important subjects and topics,  a great ideas ( i don't mean powers suggestions and giveaways ... no ) i mean ideas that can ameliorate xat, apps, HTML ... award should not be given for something easy or a simple thing.

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I think this should be enabled in some forums and disabled as in the profile.


I do not think that doing this has any benefit (however I do not object), really having a reputation in the xat forum does not make you better than anyone and it is very easy to identify the people who ask others.


xat is a place to have fun, I think that creating new rules to limit users to have fun is not achieving the true goal.

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7 hours ago, SLOom said:

I think, it makes more sense to disable it in the subforums and statuses in question, so it's not going to be "abused" in the places where it should not be used. (unless if it's already disabled!)


I've always said this. However, they think that option will ''kill the activity''. Oh yes, because they only do these kind of post to gain reputation.

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23 minutes ago, Leandro said:

I've always said this. However, they think that option will ''kill the activity''. Oh yes, because they only do these kind of post to gain reputation.


It might affect enthusiasm and enjoyment though, if people can't react to things (the same as if reactions were removed here too). They're a nice addition to the forums and it's a shame if they're taken away.


1 hour ago, Abrahan said:

[...] and it is very easy to identify the people who ask others.


It should be even easier to spot reputation abuse now, if someone keeps giving trophies for low quality posts.


Users now have the full set of reactions available to them (including 'likes' to show affection and enjoyment), so there can't be any excuses for not using them.

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I agree with several comments, although I really think that this option is totally unnecessary, that is, it should not even exist. As in any other network or forum, the number of likes and favorites can greatly influence and is more than enough.


However, speaking from a different point of view since this option "does exist here" there are several points to take into account:
• Do you really need the extra drawing of a trophy for people to express what is already obvious to express with the amount of likes?
• Place this option in sections where you cannot use or abuse them?
You will excuse me, but if an option is enabled in any section, it is for me to use it my way, and to my liking. They disagree? Then disable it in those sections. It's simple.

It's like they put a plate of food in front of you, and they say "Don't eat it." -.-!

And obviously, people like "volunteers or contributors" are always exposed to receive reputation points for making official publications, which is an obvious duty as collaborators they are, which doesn't always mean that the post is "Quality" as for example, this.

Edited by RobFerrari
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29 minutes ago, RobFerrari said:

• Do you really need the extra drawing of a trophy for people to express what is already obvious to express with the amount of likes?


Yes, I believe it is beneficial to separate likes and trophies.


Before this change, Likes were frequently being used to show affection and enjoyment regardless of post quality, which isn't in the spirit of the reputation system. With the addition of the trophy icon, these same users can continue liking anything they want - but this time they won't be damaging the reputation system, and they won't have to worry about reputation abuse.


The trophy hasn't simply replaced the 'Like' reaction - it's also allowed 'Like' to be used more freely without imposing on forum guidelines.


40 minutes ago, RobFerrari said:

You will excuse me, but if an option is enabled in any section, it is for me to use it my way, and to my liking. They disagree? Then disable it in those sections. It's simple.


Surely it's better to add more freedom of expression (which we've done by freeing up the 'Like' button) than to simply remove all the reactions.


54 minutes ago, RobFerrari said:

And obviously, people like "volunteers or contributors" are always exposed to receive reputation points for making official publications, which is an obvious duty as collaborators they are, which doesn't always mean that the post is "Quality" as for example, this.


I'd argue that users who post New Power Testing topics each week are far more exposed to receiving easy reputation points than things that volunteers or contributors post, but I take your point nonetheless.


With the new changes, we've now potentially introduced a system to prevent this from happening. You can now 'like' these updates (i.e. to literally show that you like it) without awarding reputation if the user doesn't deserve it because they're simply a messenger etc.


3 hours ago, Abrahan said:

xat is a place to have fun, I think that creating new rules to limit users to have fun is not achieving the true goal.


No new rules or restrictions have been created.


The rules that Angelo listed above are existing rules that pre-date this change, most of which were not enforced as Andre indicated (and there's some grey areas in there). They are not new concepts specifically introduced with this change (although arguably they would be easier to enforce now that users have the full set of reactions available to them (including the freed-up likes), so there'd be no excuses for not using them).


I think we all want users to have fun, but not to the detriment of the guidelines (that is, abusing reputation) or there'd be chaos. Also bear in mind that users misusing reputation can spoil the enjoyment of other users who worked hard to gain their reputation through effort. We have to think about them too.

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5 minutes ago, Crow said:


Yes, I believe it is beneficial to separate likes and trophies.


Before this change, Likes were frequently being used to show affection and enjoyment regardless of post quality, which isn't in the spirit of the reputation system. With the addition of the trophy icon, these same users can continue liking anything they want - but this time they won't be damaging the reputation system, and they won't have to worry about reputation abuse.


The trophy hasn't simply replaced the 'Like' reaction - it's also allowed 'Like' to be used more freely without imposing on forum guidelines.

This is a good observation, from that point of view, it is a point in favor of this new option.


10 minutes ago, Crow said:

Surely it's better to add more freedom of expression (which we've done by freeing up the 'Like' button) than to simply remove all the reactions.

Well, I only said this as an example because the option is enabled in sections where you cannot use it. And it is absurd.

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We are in 2019 and we are still talking about reputation.

I think no one forces anyone to react with a smilies in everything you post.
I think this is a motivation for everyone who is active in the forum, to find an answer to what they posted or a reaction provided by someone.

Does it bother anyone, for someone to have many reactions ?!

I believe that these simple things you have to go over, and to consider more important things, you know what I'm talking about.

It may have millions of reactions, I don't think it matters much to us, of course it matters a lot to the person receiving, let's be better and more understanding, try to understand people, not just think about us, but also about others.

1) Jealous
2) Not active enough, or are not helping enough people
3) Have nothing to do, and want to gain a reputation
4) Guilty

Regards Bau

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5 hours ago, Bau said:

We are in 2019 and we are still talking about reputation.

I think no one forces anyone to react with a smilies in everything you post.
I think this is a motivation for everyone who is active in the forum, to find an answer to what they posted or a reaction provided by someone.

Does it bother anyone, for someone to have many reactions ?!

I believe that these simple things you have to go over, and to consider more important things, you know what I'm talking about.

It may have millions of reactions, I don't think it matters much to us, of course it matters a lot to the person receiving, let's be better and more understanding, try to understand people, not just think about us, but also about others.

1) Jealous
2) Not active enough, or are not helping enough people
3) Have nothing to do, and want to gain a reputation
4) Guilty

Regards Bau

This happens. I know some users have been using other accounts to give reputation points to themselves, I also know some users have been getting reputation points from their friends, the same users getting reputation points from the same group of friends everyday. Those users have been getting reputation points unfairly and abusing the system, that's why they have decided to change the way the reputation system works. I know this is not the only reason for this change, but I feel that it's the main reason.


I agree that some people usually get reputation points when they don't really deserve it and just because of who they are, and that's not fair.


I hope this will help to stop those people who have been getting reputation for nothing.

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20 hours ago, Crow said:

No hemos introducido ninguna nueva regla.


En todo caso, brindamos más libertad a los usuarios, porque ahora pueden "gustar" algo sin verse obligados a otorgar reputación. 




Then I can give the icon that I want to give to any user and they will not suspend me?

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