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Posts posted by Abrahan

  1. As I understand you suggested adding Gifs, this has nothing to do with xat Hugs. I think these powers would have great potential if we taught how to use them and always remind the population that they are available for a low price.


    Thanks for the feedback! :)

  2. Hello!


    The suggestion is very simple, add the xat Hugs to the 8Ball (Gef Stuff).Currently we only have available powers, stickers, kises and we have forgotten about the hugging category.


    I have witnessed that people have these powers and do not know what are the examples of hugs that they can use in xat, some examples are not available in the xat Wiki, example: https://util.xat.com/wiki/index.php?title=Pizzas/es and they wouldn't risk spending 10 xats on something they don't know about.





    How should it work?

    • They can only see the Hugs of the powers they have.
    • They should be able to put a message when selecting one.
    • After selecting the message it will automatically be placed in the writing box: /hug pizza Hello Forum!


    Implementing this would again remind us that we have many animated hugs available! Any thoughts, suggestions or something else to add?

  3. Hello,


    The help topic you should select when opening a ticket depends on the issue you are experiencing.


    If you are held for a maximum of 7 days, you should wait out the hold. If you're experiencing a repeated cycle, you will need a ticket. "Account hold" is the help topic that should be selected when opening a ticket. Please note that the temporary hold after an account is unlocked cannot be removed.


    If you're held for more than 7 days, or if you're experiencing System Problem (25) or (55), you will need a ticket. "Account block" is the help topic that should be selected when opening a ticket.


    As Kevin mentioned, to open a Ticket in these departments you do not need to be a paid user, be sure to correctly select one of these two according to your situation. You can obtain more information about the type of protection in the accounts by security here: https://util.xat.com/wiki/index.php?title=Account_protection

  4. Finally! I know how hard you worked to stay creative and how much you like doing this. It would be nice to add another pawn by lifting weights.


    I hope to see this in the xat store in less than a month. :$

  5. ¡Hola chic@s! 


    Sabemos la situación difícil que se presenta a nivel mundial debido el brote de COVID-19, por lo cual queremos expresarles nuestro más sincero apoyo a toda la comunidad hispano hablante de xat y darles algunas recomendaciones básicas para mantenerse seguro, además de recordarles por qué debes de Quedarte en casa! Quedarte en xat!



    ¡Ayuda a frenar el coronavirus!

    QUÉDATE en casa lo máximo posible

    MANTÉN el distanciamiento social

    LÁVATE las manos con frecuencia

    TOSE cubriéndote con el codo

    LLAMA si tienes síntomas


    ¿Porque quedarme en casa/xat?

    DISFRUTA de los +500 powers disponibles

    EXPERIMENTA el nuevo modo HTML5 de xat

    DIVIÉRTETE ganando muchos xats / days / powers

    CONOCE personas de todo el mundo y mantente en contacto

    QUEDATE en casa, quedateseguro, quedate siempre en xat.com




  6. 22 minutes ago, BeaterUser said:

    1) select language - when you're looking for a chat or for a user, you probably already know in which language they are chatting. So if you have this resource turned on, it'll be easier to filter.

    This can be done for the advanced search of xat chats and select the language that the chat has configured.


    26 minutes ago, BeaterUser said:

    2) select country - this is a bit a of an obvious one, but you should be able to select also in which country the chat you are looking for is located.

    The chats are not configured for a country, however they if for the language. This can be bad, if you are search for someone or chat with the Country Settings we would be sharing confidential information (xat takes user information very seriously) some people would not like to share their location/country.


    It is never too late for feedback, less if it is with the intention of improving xat! :) 

  7.  The contest has ended and these are the winners:


    1. @DonQuijote


    2. @Dazer


    3. @iSanty


    4. @Fons


    5. @Magic


    To choose the winners we rely on creativity and quality, following the contest rules. 


    Remember that you must contact @Angelo to get your respective prizes, I personally and the entire staff of Aiuto chat thank everyone for participating! 

  8. 2 hours ago, Maxo said:

    to facilitate searching the search feature should be divided : 


    - Chats : as @Abrahan mentioned " users want to find the right chat for them " 


    - Teams / Members : ( volunteers, contributors, wiki editors ... ) you know for volunteers there is the forum STAFF list, it's easy to contact them, but if a user for exp wants to message a contributor, he is not going to look for him / her in all the forum lol, i think we should have the list of forum members / teams in the search feature.


    - Topics: searching a topic through listing one or two words in the search feature to facilitate finding it


    - Users ( why not ) : a name and other similar names in the list as we're seeing when we tag someone. 


    I think these are the main sections that we should have. THANK YOU




    Including forum information in search engines will be very confusing for users.


    They can easily find the members of each team in a list on the wiki, where will be his  username, xatspace or forum profile to recognize / contact them. So I don't think it is necessary to do this.


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