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Posts posted by Calvin

  1. Hi few months ago i have same problem the chatbox crash and appear black no flash function and i have resolve it my own !

    If you think is the same problem send me one message!

    You need to include some screen to see what is the problem!



  2. Hey guys let-s make one new power to have badge forum and to be visible on xat room and this will work will help!

    If people help here will earn one badge on chat !

    Is one suggestion!

    1 -  Gold badge Top helper

    2 - Silver badge Medium helper

    3 - Bronze Begginer helper

    Need minimum 50 100 point to earn Bronze !

    And will go up to 500 1000 points for gold badge!

  3. Problem swf chatbox resolved !

    For people who have same problem like mine i will post one new image with step by step!


    Thx Sloom Joshua Fleur  and all who give me info for resolve that problem i find the way and now work!



  4. I have one problem and still cant escape from this problem with swf chat box!


    Is strange the box chat swf dont work only html5....   

    Who have this problem or suggestion how to resolve the problem ......  http://prntscr.com/kl4otc


    Problem is with all browsers  no just with chrome or other  browser.   http://prntscr.com/kl4yrp


    Flash player installed and dezinstalled ! Dont work!


    sbt69tn.png     iADni2O.png   awTsLMa.png

  5. Xat have one temporar problem with xat radiobox i have one option to show your box radio again and is work.

    You need to have BOT or POWER RADIO.

    First  go to Box panel and next to your name bot put this code BotName(radio#http//ipradio/;#radio)



    Save the settings from bot and wait!


    Next click on bot and touch box radio and will apear next to chat ball.

    If u dont have bot Should buy power radio and put on you name if you are msin owner on your chat like my example Chriss (radio#http://ipradio#radio) and press ok .




    This is a temporary solution for people who have chat and music dont work.





    For Romania.


    Xat are o problema temporara cu radio si cu adresele de radio.

    Va arat o metoda temporara pentru a vedea din nou radio pe chatul vostru si a fi functional.


    In primul rand trebuie sa aveti pe chat un Bot sau in  cazul in care nu detineti un bot puteti folosi power radio il gasiti in store sau trade.


    1 Intra in setarile cpanel bot si langa numele botului pune acest cod (radio#http://ipradio#radio)


    dupa aceasta salvezi.


    Important toti useri trebuie sa dea click pe casuta de la numele de la bot pentru a o afisa in chat si a fi functionala.



    Daca nu deti powerul bot si nu ai serviciul cumpara power Radio  si il pui langa numele tau daca ai un chat si nu detii un serviciu de bot .

    Exemplu. Calvin(radio#http://ipradio#radio)


    Useri ce ii ai pe chat trebuie sa atinga casuta de la numele tau pentru a fi functionala din nou pe chat.


  6.  xat radio player dont work with  https....... 

    Muses player work with https!!





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