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Everything posted by Madison

  1. I have a lab as well - she's almost 9 now though. I had 2 when I was young also!
  2. Credits: Original Picture
  3. Madison


    Dutch caramel-like waffle cookie thing that's delicious. You should make a cookie with some nice shades though.
  4. Madison


    Great quality - you're very good at designing these. Make a stroopwafel one >:) jk
  5. Americans can't make them properly :///
  6. Dutch ^^ stroopwafels are literally the best things you can possibly ever have
  7. Madison


    why does that bee look like me every morning Cute idea However, xat already has bee-themed smileys. See http://util.xat.com/wiki/index.php?title=Kbee
  8. Well yeah, I do believe that having a pre-selected range of colours would be best, but of course, with a wide variety of colours to choose from. Silver and Sapphire is also a good idea- once again, it's getting to choose for yourself. I guess that sorta ties into the birthstone idea. Honestly I'll be happy with anything more than just the emerald green pawn. No good namecolours match it unless you're going for a hulk theme or something
  9. If I'm spending hundreds of dollars and end up with every single xat power, I want to be able to customize my pawn to be the colour that I want. Maybe allowing people to do this would encourage more people to buy Everypower as well. For the people who would like to have an emerald green pawn, let them, but it is true that many of us would prefer different colours. Having freedom of choice for our pawn colour would be a nice reward for having Everypower.
  10. I agree with @Steven here. Once we have Everypower, we should have the ability to do this (your birthstone idea) instead of just being limited to the Emerald pawn. I do like it.
  11. Title says it all. I'd most likely choose somewhere in the Swiss Alps with a beautiful view, or the very north of Norway for the Aurora Borealis. What about you?
  12. 2008 for me, and mid-2009 when I registered my first account. Props to Club Penguin.
  13. I'm not entering or anything, but I figured I'd show my cat anyways!
  14. "Hey everyone, so I'm personally hosting this xatspace contest with an amazing prize of 10,000 of MY xats, but I don't want the xatspace to be for me whatsoever alright?"
  15. I really like and support this suggestion, especially because staff members may not always be on at the same times. So if there's something important that happens that needs to be shared when one staff member is on and not another (for example, certain users being banned), it could just be written in the notepad. Wonderful!
  16. So, you mean something along the lines of adjusting the brightness of your pawn? Or being able to choose different colours for it that work similar to Namewave? I'm a bit confused here and I feel as if this may be going slightly overboard for now, however I do agree with the idea of having more powers related to customizing your pawn colour. I believe it is possible to have many more options than what we're currently limited to- with only pink, blueman, purple, gold, etc.
  17. Merry Christmas to all of you! (:
  18. Those aren't my searches, apparently that's the 4th most popular!
  19. ^ This was the funniest part of the whole night for me, ngl. But anyways, I guess people should realize that the president actually doesn't have as much power as you'd think. The president is more of a figurehead, but overall, it's still pretty shocking and all I can really say is that this will be quite interesting.
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