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Everything posted by Bau

  1. Bau

    442 Neon

    This is the idea? Let's see what power it is. )))) Good ID power 442 xD
  2. I love this ------------------
  3. Hello - Everyone. Very simple, I show the example, and you comment, if it is good and must be this idea a power. Name power: (Bomb) - Power Group Flix - Power Limited - Power Price I do not know - -Smilies powers: (bomb) - - (numbomb) - (Bombevil) - (bombtime) - (bombPunch) - (bombball) - (bombapple) - (bombcool). *All smilies - Make an explosion ´idk´ * (numbomb) - - You can write some of the letters on the bomb, and the last letter written to make KaBooM. * Note: (power (bad) Has a smile - (fbomb) - But this is diferente. Here you can not write on the bomb - but on the bomb (bombnum) you can write and still make KaBoom. Make an explosion. (Bombtime)) - - But write the seconds on the bomb - Make an explosion.
  4. I want to marry, but I need a wife.

  5. Do you really want xat.com to no longer exist? To kill xat.com. With these jokes. Please... Check this ....
  6. How can I get out of this theme, this topic?
  7. It has nothing with each other. The command makes you turn off powers and turn on. But this idea is to seek powers. It's very useful when you know what names are starting with, but you do not know the full name. So you write and find it. You get the first or second letter and all the powers with that letter already appear. I support this idea. Good suggestion @Techy @Admin A question, when will the option be added? Everyone is waiting for her.....
  8. Who of the xat.com team is using ARCBots !?
    Please tell me!

    1. Lalisa


      most of the official xat are using fexbot as a bot provider...:P

    2. Bau
  9. Wow dances better than you all -     party0010.gif

  10. Bau


    This is only possible if you create two options on the same power, but which might confuse all users to use. Bot does not have that, it's just when you're idle, and kick kick because you stayed for 15 minutes or more without writing. It has this automatic option, but we are not talking about bots but powers. And just admin bots decide which commands can be on xat. I'm not talking about simple things. xD I understand what you mean, and I know well what's going on. We just give our opinion anyway, who decides is the Admin. But, yes it is a good idea.
  11. Bau


    Noo! Because boot its only for kick in other xat.com But this its for Pools. Only. Imposible!
  12. Bau


    I'm still thinking about it. But there is an explanation, when there are more than 3 pools, just show the first 2, because the other is not pool of powers, but it is automatically pool when users enter xat. 60 users per pool = use command for new pool. /backpool (id) (reason) Just show pool that are from power. EX: Only two pools But automatically pool created by users, be in command. I explained above, this.
  13. I think the best name is (rrapid) - Because it's banned with reason, and command. Rapid Powers - REasonn Rapid - banned rapid It sounds funny, why it was not done UPgrade. Because Fewer names of powers will have to remembre. xD
  14. Bau


    You made the drawing almost as I asked, is very well worked. I still think it will be a very useful ban for xat, much more for trade. Nice. And I still think the name sounds better - BackPool
  15. I think that is the same idea that has already been written here. By zuke & By gamesnathanlikes But you have not really understood what function he has, because he has not given many examples, and you are not interested in that power. It was just an idea, you had to fill in, and add function formulas to this power. To be explained more to understand the world. I give the right to @LaFleur It's a good idea, but it has already been given, and if it was written, it was not realized this idea, why is it now? I think these three ideas are the same, but this is more explained.. I think it's a good power.
  16. Bau


    It's almost the same. That's the reverse The difference is the writing, but the idea is the same. To me is status and name, but here is text that already exists. Why not .upgrade power reverse (Banre) = suggestion from @QueenANIME (Banrs) - (Banrn) = And these powers from me Short name power! Yes this idea its good! i support this!
  17. You stole the idea, joking you did the right job, congratulations.
  18. Hello. I have a new idea and I want to share it with you. That each user can hide powers. Is to hide xats and days, why not to hide powers. Or we can upgrade to the power (show) - before and after - Or you can even just add everypower and allpowers The rest of the powers are not added or even nothing is added That depends on each one's liking. You can not click on powers at the users, so you will not be able to see what powers it has, So that no one can see what powers I have. OR This I want it to be the same as in the picture, so nobody can click on powers. It's just an idea, maybe many of us want to hide powers.
  19. Bau

    Ant Power

    @Fiona Thank´s I agree with you, of course it must be hat, queen and king.
  20. Bau

    Ant Power

    Hello. I have a new idea, I think they will get some fun smiles. * Name: ant * Categories: Group power flix - limited - power smilies. * I want to be a group to have the option of being an ant and going to Xat Top down, everywhere, and not just the ant, there may be other insects added to this power group flix. 1. anteat 2. anthappy 3. antbugmask Others 4. antangry 5. antfly 6. ants 7. antlove 8. 9. antdancing - 10. antcute - Edit: Thanks Muffins!
  21. Ele já falou que não deu pra mandar ticket, então e como eu falei, pra entrar em contato com volunteer! Entao quem votou -1 e que sabe muito menos sobre xat, aprende antes de tudo! Ate eu dei -1, Porque isso ele já fiz so que não deu! Em fim.....
  22. @Crow but its the word reverse. just for exemple test , whyy Edit: Update image! Thank´s
  23. Hello Mainz05. Você tenta ficar 5 dias, sem usar trade ou transfer. Tenta isso pode ate funcionar. proque quando você usa trade ou transfer, você pode ganhar sempre 5 dias ou de held ou ate mais. Note: Se já tentou e não deu em nada. e continua igual, tudo que você pode fazer se quiser ainda recuperar sua account. * Entrar em contato com volunteers. Você escreve uma mesage private, * Se não sabe english você pode usar translator português vs English. Se você já não quiser mais seu register account, porque não tem powers ou por outros motivos. Você pode mudar o nome do account, ou você pode mudar mesmo o id do register, mais pra isso teria que abrir novo ticket so pra isso. Por isso recomendo você ler em baixo. Você pode criar novo register xat.com. Você pode depois usar fórum contest pra ganhar xats powers, ou mesmo em xat.com do amigos. você pode ver que xat tem jogos em tempo real aqui. Se tem mais duvidas pode perguntar. Obrigado e boa sorte.
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