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Posts posted by minerva56

  1. good afternoon I would love to suggest new new power christmas party will be a very nice power where we have 12 smilies to Go charms everyone who buys powers in this commemorative day like Christmas 18.gifemoticonmagianatal28.gifnatal_webix-com-br_193.gifEmoticons_PutsGrilo_com109.gifGif+Ursos+Polares+13.gif45.gifsmilesnatalmagia4.gif28.gif41.gifnatal_webix-com-br_221.gif42.gifemoticonmagianatal22.gif

    It will have a lovely hug to be used in the home will cost 10 xats the main and if you use the free private besides having 4 commemorative hats to be used in this so special date I hope you all enjoy this new power christmas party will be for a date special and limited in store

  2. migo zuke that time I think we should know that Christmas smilies should always be special and a single date we have in xat.com I'm very excited about my suggestion

  3. Difficulties and trials

    "... In times of trial and suffering. Never.
    When seen in the sand only one set of footprints
    It was because I carried you in her arms. "

    The decision was made. They ended up for the Powers family, travels through the United States to do magic shows in secular settings. Long I prayed for letting life Hollywood type that we took too many years. A verbal battle, fought on a Los Angeles freeway, while trying to make way on Friday night traffic, precipitated the decision.

    We had been invited to dinner with friends, but something exploded in me the way. "I'll drop you off and take the girls with me!" Paul was stunned, and I, with the unexpected explosion. Somehow, we put up the dinner hour and on the way back to Redd Harper's house where we were staying, we talk about our situation. We loved each other, we had precious daughters, were children of God and expected us a great mission. "All this should come first, Paul," I reminded him gently. That night, we prayed and we give ourselves and our future to God. We also ask our good friend Redd to pray for us and the way that our lives should take.

    On his return to Toronto, we were faced with a huge stack of bills. "Please treat this, Margie," Paul said. "You know I'm not good at it." Yes, I know, but it was a struggle. We enter together in our summer intervention work, but were hard times - a time of difficulties and trials as we had never experienced before.

    The franchising activity of the films underwent a substantial negative phase and found ourselves constrained to sell the business. Still, we continued in the hope of a rise in the festive season, but the move to the autumn and the holiday season, it did not materialize. Christmas 1972 looked bleak.

    Hit the bottom was something that none of us had anticipated when we told God that would put first and would give up the other lifestyle. Poverty? I could not believe.

    I urged Paul to try to get some of the money that eight churches in Toronto were of children autumn cross. No one had paid him at the time had the lectures. It turned out to be the most humiliating day of your life, not coming to receive forty US dollars.

    Discouraged, Paul handed me the money when she came for me to go buy groceries. "Spend it carefully, Margie," he warned, "it is all we have. I put gas in the car for the trip to the farm. "We had planned to visit my parents the next morning to spend Christmas day with family.

    We bundled up the children and went out to go shopping. We returned two hours later. I was happy with some bargains he had discovered, but Paul was angry, especially when Tina showed him a golden wrapping paper roll.

    Their frustration boiled and crashed while shouting at me for being so wasteful. Dinner the atmosphere was depressing and depenicámos the food. Blue eyes, filled with tears, the little Tina mirrored the suffering that all felt.

    Paul and I went down to the office to wrap some gifts. Tina tried to help. At one point Paul said sarcastically: "Tina, you're up there get that gold paper in your mother wasted money?"

    If not previously had felt reduced to my insignificance, I was so sure this time. Tina took back, so Paul went upstairs, angry. I went back. There was Tina, an alcove same side of the living room, surrounded by golden sheets and three scissors. There was tape bits everywhere on top of it, as well as the carpet. And the single roll of gold paper? I had all spent trying to wrap anything that looked like a shoebox.

    Paul rushed and crossed the room, with the stamped anger on his face, grabbed her by the arm and shook it in the air, giving him several slaps hard. The screams and sobs Tina made him realize what he was doing, and stopped, releasing her when she fell to the ground, a grounded and tearful girl.

    I was in shock. This was Paul who claimed to love God and the children?

    For Paul was a retrospective of his own childhood, when he had been so mistreated at the hands of enraged and drunken father. Later he confessed that during the rest of the night, could not think of anything else in, "you're just like your father ... you're a coward who beats up little children ... just like your father ... good for nothing, for nothing, for nothing…"

    Tina lay in bed, comforting her as best I could.

    The next morning, to prepare ourselves to go to the farm, Paul stumbled and almost fell on top of the box that Tina had wrapped in gold paper. Still angry, she gave him a kick, but then Tina ran into the box, picked it up and ran back to Paul. "Here, Dad, it's for you," he muttered.

    Paul grabbed her and shook it slowly, but it was very light and nothing rattled inside. The tape around the entire box was difficult to unwrap it and his frustration and impatience extravasated again. He ripped it to open, but when peeked inside, there was nothing. With its already uncontrolled fury, he rasped: "Christina! Do not you know you should put something in a box before the embrulhares like this? "

    The tears ran down little Tina's face when he said, "But, Dad, I put something in there. I blew kisses into it! It's full of love just for you! "

    An empty box, but strange and wonderfully full! It was the gift that Paul needed most. Right there in the middle of the court, he fell to his knees, hugged Tina, begged his forgiveness and then hugged me and Paula, asking us also forgiveness. His sobs were deep, coming from the depths of your being.

    Paul received inner healing at that time - the enemy, his fury died. He cried out to God for help, and got it.

    But I was wrong. He had been upset and muttered to him. "I helped provoke all this, Paul," I admitted, "but we love each other and I know God will help us."

    Still we keep that golden box. A reminder of one of the best Christmases we've ever had. It was a time of difficulties and trials, but God had helped us to implement it.

    Good Morning I would love to suggest new power never have 13 Christmas smilies as you guys can see these smilies will have a new Christmas beautiful power in order to use this special day where we will have a hug in the private and free and hug the head and have a hat (hat # h) (hat # hh) (hat # hc) (hat # hl) and as you can see christmas smilies will be beautiful to celebrate that special date

  4. Good Morning I would love to suggest a new power called dark of Halloween nights where tera 15 smilies to be used name according to taste each of 4 very beautiful hats for halloween beyond a halloween of abraco to be celebrated on private and free or main paying 10 xats




    4 smilies para hat 


  5. good afternoon zuke the problem and that these smilies are similar to the halloween all was created by termites knew it then would be used the same smilies


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