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Everything posted by Junior

  1. Feel free to come at xat.com/xat to try out the game!
  2. Get ready for a blast of color and fun with our latest gamerace power, Pawns! Overview Pawns brings the best of the classic card games with a fresh and fun xat twist. The goal is simple: be the first to play all your cards. The player who reaches the goal score by the end of the round, wins the game. Gameplay To play a card, you must match the top card on the discard pile either by the number, color, or type. If you don’t have a anything that matches, you must draw a card from the draw pile. On each turn, the player will have 15 seconds to play. If they don't, they will be dealt two cards as a penalty. If a player misses their turn twice in a row, they will enter AFK Mode and will be disqualified if they miss a turn again. When AFK Mode is on, they will only have 9 seconds to play in their next turn. If you don’t have a playable card, you can draw one from the draw pile. If the card you just drew is playable, you’re forced to play it. When playing your next to last card, you will have 3 seconds to shout PAWNS. If you don’t and another player catches you before the next player begins their turn, you will be dealt two cards as a penalty. Special Mode This is game mode introduces new cards and rules to the classic gameplay.: • You can play Draw Four cards whenever you want. • You can stack Draw Two / Draw Four cards on top of your opponents’. The next player without a matching card will draw the sum of the numbers. • You can draw from the draw pile even if you have a playable card. Discard Card • This card allows you to discard all cards that have the same color as this one. • This card may only be played on a matching color, or another Discard card. Swap Card • This card can be played on any card. • This card allows you to swap your hand with the opponent’s hand of your choice. • This card will maintain the same color as the previous played one. Duo Mode This game mode includes all the same rules as the classic one but allows you to team up with another player to play against another team. When either of the team members wins the game, both players will be winning and will receive the prizes if set. Scoring and Winning Once a player plays their last card, the round is over. Points are tallied and the next rounds starts. The points are talled based on the cards left in the other players’ hands. Each card is worth the following: If you are the first player to get rid of all your cards, you get the points for the cards left in the other players’ hands. Each card is worth the following: Number: Number value Draw Two: 20 points Reverse: 20 points No-Play: 20 points Discard: 20 points Wild: 40 points Draw Four: 60 points Swap: 60 points We will release a public beta for this game first. In order to host a game, you must own the Pawns power. You don't need the power to play, though. To bring the bot, you must open the game app and send !bot in main chat.
  3. Junior


    Looks very cute, definitely can see this coming in the future. Did you draw these?
  4. Thank you all for taking your time to greet me on my birthday, very appreciated! (hug)

    1. Bau


      Happy birthday, sry for delay. (pty)

  5. A new patch has been pushed to all chats. Please, try again and confirm if the bug has been fixed.
  6. Make sure you're on the build Version 1.62.1 Aug 6 2023 20:55
  7. A patch has been pushed to all chats. Please, try again and confirm if the bug has been fixed.
  8. For those interested, there are no official dimensions for the Pstyle background image. But, for better sizing, the image should have an aspect ratio of 3.8:1.
  9. You mean, you converted the GIF animation into a PNG strip? I have tried the animation you provided both in GIF and PNG strip, and the quality remained the same. https://imgur.com/a/BKqvJXK Please, send me the exact link you used when experienced the bad quality.
  10. When does it loose quality? When using the .gif directly or when converted to png strip?
  11. Can you send me the links?
  12. This is not a bug, it's an intended behaviour. Appending # at the end of a power or making a combo with it, will remove its glow.
  13. The animation settings include any animation that might impact the chat overall performance, not just smilies. (Smilies, Avatars, Namewave, Nameflag, Statusfx, ..., etc) We have no plans to split that into different settings, at least for now.
  14. Can you send me the links?
  15. Strip animations have not been scrapped. If it doesn't work for you, then it must be a bug. I just tried myself and it works as intended.
  16. Actually, we already have /f-USERID to remove a friend. And yeah, having more commands won't hurt anybody.
  17. It's finally the time to announce this month's main owner, @Duarte! Congratulations and thank you for your work on xat. We'd also like to thank @Davide for being with us this month!
  18. Junior

    Buy link/redirect

    We are aware of this issue and it will be fixed soon.
  19. As most of you have been waiting for, it's time to announce this month's main owner! It was nice having you @Dimple last month, thank you for being with us! And now we warmly welcome @Sergio as this month's new main!
  20. Totally... that makes a huge differences. Users should always join chats using the direct link since it has that latest the latest changes and patches. That link the user is using is an old version with outdated changes. That one as a bug with text direction which we fixed on the latest one. So, to get it fixed they should join using xat.com/chat. And if they don't want to sue the mobile UI, they should join using the browser and enabling the desktop view setting.
  21. Sadly, raids are more complex than that. Raiders are able to (and they usually do) send messages with random text every time. Detecting if a user is connected through a VPN is actually very hard and not very accurate even if done right. It can lead to false positives, where it could think someone is using a VPN when they're actually not, also, there's always a way to get around it, and I think raiders might be smart enough to find a way to bypass the VPN detector over time, so I don't think this would be worth it since it would most likely harm innocent users rather than actual raiders. It's just like Netflix, they're a huge company with a lot of engineers and they still struggle blocking the service for VPN users as there are still ways to bypass their check.
  22. @xKathya Vuelve a intentar, hemos lanzado un pequeño parche de actualización corrigiendo esta falla.
  23. @xKathya Podrías mostrar una captura de cómo se ve la app desde tu celular? Además, cuando autorizas, se abre el navegador o la app que descargaste?
  24. Junior

    chats bug

    It's not a bug. It looks like you have right-to-left writing enabled. To disable it, go to settings -> appearance -> Right to left, and just disable it and save the setting.
  25. The union of languages has shown to be one of our common goals when deciding who's next. The activity of the chosen main is one of the most important criteria but that doesn't mean that they will emerge from our own group. We pay profound respect to those who visit our place and turn it into their own place. That's sharing. That's union. But again shall we look to the horizon. We say goodbye to @slint and to his Portuguese-speaking frequenters, we hope that you can also turn this into your own place. Make this a home. And today, we announce @DJFUNNY as the main owner of this month.
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