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This page is for donations.
How it works.
We choose people who receive donations, but everyone can donate what they can, whenever they can.

- No money can be donated. (only: xats, days, powers).
- After donating, you can not recover the donation back (please be careful before choosing to make a donation to someone).
- Everyone can participate, Everybody can donate!
- Time: A donation can take a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 90 days.

Note: USERname (ID) Will be shown publicly to any person who donates or for whom the donation (status: Private / public) the choice will be yours.
Note: Only once a year can you be chosen to receive a donation!

3 topics in this forum

  1. Donation for Jose

    • 1 reply
  2. donation for LaFleur

    • 2 replies
  3. Donation for Nathan

    • 1 reply
  • Create New...

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